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BioFlavTM is 


THE OSMOLabâ„  CERTIFIED program for nutrition products offers consumers confidence that a specific product is capable of meeting a legitimate nutrition need, i.e., it works! By diligently analyzing all scientific support related to the product itself or its ingredients, The Osmolality LabTM, as a reputable, independent, third-party, scientific organization can certify that a product in the nutrition space was thoroughly investigated and met specific criteria related to the following three critical aspects indicative of a legitimate product:

Content - What they claim is in it, is actually in it.

Provide a full analysis of the "actives" indicated by the label to be in the product typically with a Certificate of Analysis (CofA) plus any associated shelf-life data/studies.

Bioavailability - What is in it becomes absorbed after human consumption and actually shows up in the blood/serum/urine, meaning it was passed through human metabolism.

Provide peer reviewed clinical evidence of bioavailability showing absorption of the actives (or metabolites of them) has taken place in humans by virtue of them appearing in the plasma and/or urine, i.e., the actives have been presented to the biochemistry of the human metabolism.

Efficacy - What shows up in the blood/serum/urine is associated with or directly causes a nutrition related biological effect.

Provide clinical evidence of efficacy indicating the product affects a beneficial metabolic pathway. Clinical trial designs need to be double-blind, placebo-controlled which we will evaluate for quality. This evidence indicates a beneficial metabolic change has been observed to have occurred in humans as a consequence of consuming the product.

How BioFlavTM Qualified

In order to receive THE OSMOLabSM CERTIFIED badge for Nutrition, BioFlavTM was rigorously tested and found to meet the specific criteria outlined above.


When tested, BioFlavTM was found to have the flavonoids it claims to contain.

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(NC State Plants for Human Health Institute (PHHI) Research Laboratory)


In order to bring any potential benefit to the human body, the contents of BioFlavTM needs to be bioavailable when consumed, i.e. it needs to be absorbed into the body. BioFlav's formula has been shown in two published peer reviewed studies to be safe, shelf stable, and bioavailable when consumed by humans.

- Nieman et al J. Proteome Res. 2017 Aug 4; 16(8): 2924.
Nieman et al Nutrients 2018 Nov 9;10(11):1718.


BioFlavTM is a flavonoid dietary supplement, meant to add in the flavonoids one would ordinarily consume with a high-quality diet, typically containing plenty of fruits and vegetables. Scientific research shows that those of us with the highest flavonoid intake tend to live the longest and that this effect plateau's about the 400mg/day (see illustration). Taking BioFlavTM daily puts you right on this plateau ensuring your intake is consistent with that the research shows affords extended longevity.

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Tresserra-Rimbau et al BMC Medicine 2014 May 13;12:77
Bondonno et al Nature Comm. 2019 Aug 13;10(1):3651 

We have gone one step further to try and see why this happens. Once consumed and absorbed into the body, the contents of BioFlavTM needs to have an actual nutrition related biological effect. BioFlavTM has been shown in two double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials to have real, demonstrable healthy metabolic effects, in this case reducing transient, exercise induced, inflammation and the inhibiting the mechanisms behind its production. Inflammation is part of the progression of many of the diseases associated with aging and an overall reduction in inflammation over your lifetime is associated with extended longevity.

- Nieman et al Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab. 2020 Mar 1;30(2):112.
- Nieman et al Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exerc. Metab. 2020 Sep 15;1-9.